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The energy policy of the company Stahlwerke Bochum GmbH (SWB) suits the object of the organisation and pursues its commitment to improve its energy-related performance while taking its strategic and operational objectives into consideration. On the basis of the company’s energy usage and energy consumption, its top management has defined the following content for its energy policy:

The focus of the energy policy

The energy policy ensures that energies are used in an economical and thus resource-friendly manner on all levels within the company. The management team provides the necessary information and resources for the successful implementation of the energy policy. It does so in order to achieve the objectives and energy targets set.

The energy policy concerns everyone

Every member of staff is responsible for taking an economical approach towards the energy sources of electricity, gas, compressed air and diesel and ensuring that they are used efficiently. All employees must undertake to actively contribute to the successful implementation of the objectives pursued by the energy policy. The objectives and energy targets are set and reviewed in the management review.

The energy policy is economical

The company’s new energy-related orientation resulting from its energy policy optimises its energy-dependent processes, reduces consumption and saves costs. Stahlwerke Bochum GmbH is committed to continuously improving its energy-related performance and energy management system.

The energy policy is dynamic

Targeted monitoring of the changes in energy consumption has a dynamic impact on the implementation and further development of the energy management system (EnMS) in compliance with the legal requirements and in connection with energy efficiency, the use of energy and energy consumption. The energy policy is reviewed on a regular basis (see management review) and updated as needed.

The energy policy means communication

The communication between all parties involved determines the level of acceptance of the energy policy. For more information on the policy, all employees can freely access the Energy Management Guide on the Stahlwerke Bochum GmbH intranet. Furthermore, the staff at SWB will be informed about activities and measures introduced within the framework of the energy management system as part of their annual occupational health and safety briefing.

The energy policy involves procurement

Improving energy performance is essential in the case of new acquisitions or replacement purchases. When procuring products and services that impact its energy performance, SWB therefore favours the suppliers and service providers that offer the most energy-efficient option. Along the same lines, it also supports activities that involve improving its energy-related performance.

The energy policy secures success

As a resource-friendly company, Stahlwerke Bochum GmbH secures its corporate success on a long-term basis by continuously improving its energy management system. This approach is essential in order to counter the constant increase in energy prices and thus continue the company’s economic success, which in turn secures its existence.

Good to know

The energy policy ensures that energies are used in an economical and thus resource-friendly manner on all levels within the company.